Wednesday, April 8, 2009

iPhone Skype app bringing VoIP issues to the limelight

Network carriers are reacting predictably negative to the release of Skype on Apple's iPhone,mocoNews is reporting.

Last week, AT&T public policy executive told USA Today that the company has "every right" to not promote the services of its wireless rival, and has done so by disabling Skype access to the 3G network; the application can only be used on WiFi networks. "We absolutely expect our vendors not to facilitate the services of our competitors. Skype is a competitor, just like Verizon, or Sprint, or T-Mobile," he said.

And now, according to mocoNews, two advocacy groups are pressing regulators to support VoIP. The Free Press is asking the FCC to protect wireless net neutrality in favor of Skype, and in Europe, Voice on the Net (VON) has asked policy-makers to ensure the rights of access to applications such as Skype.

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